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All Requirements are CUMULATIVE. All requirements for one rank include all the requirements for lower ranks unless explicitly stated otherwise.

ROKKYU (6th kyu, White Belt)


A junior judoka accepted as a new member of Shufu Judo Yudanshakai. No promotion requirements listed.

ADVANCED ROKKYU (6TH kyu, white/yellow belt)



Minimum age: 5 years old

Minimum Time in grade: 5 months


Basics: General


Basics: Referee






Judo gi

(judo uniform)

























  • Basics:

    1. Ukemi (breakfall)

      1. Ushiro (rear)

      2. Yoko Migi (right)

      3. Yoko Hidari (left)

      4. Migi Zenpo kaiten (right rolling breakfall) - stay down

      5. Hidari Zenpo kaiten (left rolling breakfall) - stay down

      6. Migi Zenpo kaiten (right rolling breakfall) - stand to shizenhontai

      7. Hidari Zenpo kaiten (left rolling breakfall) -stand to shizenhontai

    2. Rei (bow)

      1. Seiza (formal sitting posture)

  • Nage Waza (Dai Ik-kyo):



O goshi (major hip)

  • Osaekomi Waza:

    1. Kesa Gatame (scarf hold)

GOKYU (5th Kyu, Yellow Belt)


Minimum age: 6 years old

Minimum Time in grade: 5 months

Know all requirements from all previous ranks.

Basics: General


Basics: Referee

1. Founder

(Dr. Jigoro Kano)


  • Osaekomi

(pin in progress)

2.Year judo founded



  • Toketa

(pin is broken)

3. Name of founding school



  • Ippon

(score = full point)

4. Migi & Hidari

(right & left)


  • Wazari

(score > yuko, < Ippon; ½ point)

5. Mae & Ushiro

(front & back)


  • Yuko

(score < wazari)


  • Basics:

    1. Tie the obi properly

    2. Rei (bow)

      1. Zarei (seated bow)

      2. Ritzurei (standing bow)

    3. Shisei (posture)

      1. Shizenhontai (basic natural posture)

      2. Migi shizentai (right natural posture)

      3. Hidari shizentai (left natural posture)

      4. Jigohontai (basic natural defensive posture)

      5. Migi jigotai (right defensive posture)

      6. Hidari jigotai (left defensive posture)

    4. Tai sabaki (turning movement)

      1. Mae Tai sabaki 90 deg. turn (Migi & Hidari)

      2. Ushiro Tai sabaki 90 deg. turn (Migi & Hidari)

      3. Tai sabaki 180 deg. turn (1 movement)

      4. Tai sabaki 180 deg. turn (2 movements)

    5. Shintai (directional movement)

      1. Ayumi ashi (natural walking)

  • Nage Waza: Dai Ik-kyo

a. O soto gari

b. Ippon seioi nage

  • Osaekomi waza:

    1. Yoko shiho gatame (side four corners hold)

    ADVANCED GOKYU (5th Kyu, Yellow1Orange Belt)


Orange Belt

Minimum age: 7 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General Basics: Referee Basics: General Basics: Referee
1. Shisei (posture) 1. Soremade (match is over)
2. Shintai (directional movement) 2. Sonomama (freeze)


3. Tai sabaki (turning movement) 3. Yoshi (continue)
  1. Basics: 

    a. Ukemi (breakfall) 
        i. Mae (front) 

    b. Shintai (directional movement) 
       i. Tsugi ashi (follow foot) 

    c. Tai sabaki (turning movement) 
       i. Mae Tai sabaki 90 deg. turn (Migi & Hidari) 
       ii. Ushiro Tai sabaki 90 deg. turn (Migi & Hidari) 

    d. Kumikata (gripping) 
  2. Nage Waza: Dai Ikkyo 

  1. De ashi harai(one anskle throw)

b. O uchi gari (major inner reap)

  1. Osaekomi Waza: 
    a. Kami shiho gatame (upper four corners hold)
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing): 
    a. Demonstrate 1 technique 

YONKYU (4th Kyu, Orange Belt)

Orange Belt

Minimum age: 8 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General Basics: Basics: General Basics: Referee
1. Kuzushi (off balancing your opponent) 1. Shido (minor penaltyr)
2. Tsukuri (fitting into a throw)

2.Hansoku Make (Major violation of
rules ending match)

3. Kaka (completing throw)  
  1. Basics: Demonstration
    a. Happo no kuzushi (8 directions of kuzushi)
  2. Nage Waza: Dai Ik-kyo 

  1. Sasae tsuri komi ashi
    (advancing ankle prop)

b. Hiza guruma
(knee wheel))

c. Uki goshi
(floating hip)
  1. Osaekomi Waza:
    a. Kata gatame (shoulder hold)

  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):
    a. Demonstrate 1 technique

ADVANCED YONKYU 4th Kyu (Orange/Green Belt)

Orange Belt

Green Belt

Minimum age: 9 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks


Basics: General


Basics: Referee

Nage Waza 

(throwing techniques)




Osaekomi Waza 

(holding techniques)


Wazari Awasete Ippon

(1/2 pt plus 1/2 pt = Ippon) 

Tachi Waza

(standing techniques) 




Ne Waza 

(mat techniques) 





1. Basics: See previous requirements 
2. Nage Waza: Dai Ikkyo 

  1. Morote seioi nage (shoulder throw)

b. Tai otoshi (body drop)

c. Koshi guruma (hip wheel)
  1. Osaekomi Waza:
    a. Kuzure kesa gatame (modified scarf hold)
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):
    a. Demonstrate 1 technique


SANKYU (3rd Kyu, Green Belt)

Green Belt

Minimum age: 10 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General Basics: Referee  
1. Shufu (capital) 1. Name 3 Shido violations  
2. Yudanshakai (black belt association)

a. Non-combativity
b. Pistol
c. Stepping out of the contest area with no action

d.Bending contestant�s fingers back
e. Taking other than normal grip without attacking within 5 seconds

f. Applying leg scissors to opponent�s trunk, neck or head

g.Taking the judo gi into mouth

h. Putting your arm, leg or foot into opponent�s face

i. Put a foot or leg in the opponent�s belt, collar or lapel

j. Defensive posture

3. Judo (gentle way)  
  1. Basics: Demonstration
    a. Happo no kuzushi (8 directions of kuzushi)
  2. Nage Waza: Demonstrate 2 from the Dai Ik-kyo and the following from the Dai Nikyo  


ADVANCED SANKYU (3rd Kyu, Green/Blue Belt)

Blue/Green Belt

Blue/Green Belt

Minimum age: 11 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General  Basics: Referee

1. Uchikomi          (fits/repetitions)

1. Hantei                 (call for judges decision)

2. Randori        (free  exercise/sparing)

2. Maitta                  (submit/give up)

  1. Basics: see previous requirements
  2. Nage Waza: Demonstrate 2 from the Dai Ik-kyo and the following from the Dai Nikyo  

a. Ko Soto gari (minor outer reap)

b. Tsuri komi goshi (drawing hip)

c. Uchimota (inner thigh)
  1. Osaekomi Waza:
    a. Tate shiho gatame (1ongways 1ocking four quarters ho1d)
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):
    a. Nami juji jime (norma1 cross choke)
    b. Okuri eri jime (s1iding co11ar choke)


NIKYU (2rd Blue Belt)

Blue Belt

Blue Belt

Minimum age: 12 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General  Basics: Referee

1. Shiai          (competition)

1. Sogo Gachi           (compound win)

2. Kata             (forms)

2. Yusei Gachi          (win by judge's decision)

  1. Basics as such as Shisei, Shizentai and Tai sabaki are not required to be explicitly examined and can be observed during the demonstration of techniques
  2. Nage Waza: Demonstrate 2 from the Dai Ik-kyo and the following from the Dai Nikyo  

a. Tomoe nage (circle throw)

b. Hane goshi (springing hip)

c. Kosoto gake (minor outer hook)
  1. Osaekomi Waza:
    a. Kuzure tate shiho gatame (modified 1ongways 1ocking four quarters ho1d)
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):
    a. Kata juji jime (ha1f cross choke)
    b. Kata ha jime (sing1e wing choke)
  3. Renraku waza (combinations):
    a. Demonstrate one renraku waza

ADVANCED NIKYU (2rd Blue/Purple Belt)

Blue/Purple Belt

Blue/Purple Belt

Minimum age: 13 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General  Basics: Referee

1. Seiryoku zen ya    (maximum efficiency with minimum effort)

1. Fusen Gachi           (win by default)

2. Jita Kyoel             (mutual welfare and benfit)

2. Kiken Gachi          (win by withdrawl)

  1. Basics as such as Shisei, Shizentai and Taisabaki are not required to be explicitly examined and can be observed during the demonstration of techniques
  2. Nage Waza: Demonstrate 2 from the Dai Ik-kyo and the following from the Dai Nikyo  


a. Tsuri goshi (1ifting       b. Ashi guruma (ankle  hip throw)                                  whee1)


c. Kata guruma (shou1der whee1)
  1. Osaekomi Waza: Demonstrate 3 techniques
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):

  3.     Demonstrate 2 mae and 2 ushiro, inc1uding:
    1. Gyaku juji jime (reverse cross choke)
    2. Hadaka jime (naked strang1e choke)
  4. Renraku waza (combinations):
    a. Demonstrate one renraku waza
  5. Kaeshi Waza (counters):
    a. Demonstrate two kaeshi waza


IKKYU (1st Purple Belt)

Purple Belt

Purple Belt

Minimum age: 14 years old 
Minimum Time in grade: 6 months  
Written Test with a minimum passing score of 50%. (Use Senior Yonkyu written examination)

Know all requirements from all previous ranks

Basics: General  Basics: Referee

Q: What is the difference between Sensei & Coach?

  1. Be ab1e to reca11 IJF referee terms from a11 previous ranks.

A: A sensei is a teacher in the dojo. A specia1 tit1e in traditiona1 Kodokan Judo. A coach is a term for one who trains and deve1ops judoka to be good contestants in sanctioned tournaments

  1. Basics as such as Shisei, Shizentai and Taisabaki are not required to be explicitly examined and can be observed during the demonstration of techniques Nage Waza
  2. Nage Waza: Demonstrate 2 throws from each, Dai Ik-kyo, Dai Ni-kyo and the following from the Dai San-kyo (know all 24 throws): 

a. Harai tsuri komi ashi (lift pull foot sweep)                                

 b. Yoko otoshi (side drop)
  1. Osaekomi Waza: Demonstrate 4 (waza) techniques
  2. Shime Waza (if 13 years old in calendar year of testing):
        Demonstrate 3 mae and 3 ushiro
  3. Renraku waza (combinations):
    a. Demonstrate 3 renraku waza
  4. Kaeshi Waza (counters):
    a. Demonstrate 3 kaeshi waza
  5. Kansetsu Waza (armlocks) (Only if the judoka is 16 years old at the time of the examination for promotion):

    a. Demonstrate 3

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